Returning to Work after the Holidays: Tips for Managing the Return to Routine with Your Loyal Four-Legged Friend

Adelchi Rainone

Summer holidays are always a time of relaxation and fun, but eventually the time comes to return to working life. If you have a dog at home, returning to your daily routine can be a little complicated, both for you and your four-legged friend. In this article, we will explore some strategies and tips on how to manage returning to work after the holidays for those who have a dog at home.

Acana and Orijen acquired by Mars: Doubts about the future of the products

Adelchi Rainone

Mars' acquisition of Champions Pet Food raises legitimate concerns about product quality and formulation. Consumers should be aware of possible changes that may occur and demand transparency from Mars. It is essential that Mars maintains quality standards and continues to offer nutritious and healthy products for pets. Consumers must remain vigilant to ensure that Champions Pet Food products maintain their high-quality reputation despite changes in the ownership company.

Pet food prices in Italy: Outlook for 2023

Adelchi Rainone

Pet food prices in Italy have seen an increase during 2022, mainly due to rising ingredient costs and growing demand. In 2023, this trend is expected to continue, with possible further increases in ingredient costs and increased demand for Human Grade products. Additionally, consumers' focus on labeling and transparency could impact prices, as companies will need to take steps to provide more detailed information about their products. Consumers should be aware of these trends and carefully evaluate the available options, taking into account their specific needs and value for money.

Pet Food: Market trends and directions

Adelchi Rainone

The move towards purchasing pet food with human grade ingredients is a growing trend in the pet food market. Pet owners are increasingly attentive to the quality of ingredients and are looking for products that reflect their own nutrition and lifestyle choices. Foods with human grade ingredients offer quality, safety and superior nutrition, giving owners the confidence to provide their pets with a high-quality, healthy diet.