Returning to Work after the Holidays: Tips for Managing the Return to Routine with Your Loyal Four-Legged Friend
Adelchi Rainone
Summer holidays are always a time of relaxation and fun, but eventually the time comes to return to working life. If you have a dog at home, returning to your daily routine can be a little complicated, both for you and your four-legged friend. In this article, we will explore some strategies and tips on how to manage returning to work after the holidays for those who have a dog at home.
1. Gradual Adaptation to Working Hours
One of the main challenges for dog owners is adjusting to working hours. After weeks of free time, your dog may be used to receiving constant attention. To ease the transition, gradually begin to ease your dog back into your work routine. Try getting up a little earlier each day and moving your walking times earlier. This will help your dog get used to the fact that long play sessions may no longer be a constant.
2. Maintain a Stable Routine
Dogs love routine. Maintaining a set schedule for mealtimes, walks, and play sessions can provide your dog with a sense of security and stability. Make sure you respect his routine during the work period to reduce stress and anxiety and make sure he finds his safe bed.
3. Adequate Physical Exercise
A well exercised dog is a happy dog. Before going to work, set aside time for an energetic walk or play session. This will help him burn energy and feel more relaxed while you are away. If possible, arrange a visit to a dog park or fenced area so he can socialize and play with other dogs.
4. Toys and Activities for Alone Time
Provide your dog with toys and activities for alone time. Interactive games, dog puzzles and chews can keep your furry friend busy while you're at work. These items can also stimulate his mind, which is important for his mental health.
5. Consider a Dog Sitter or Dog Daycare
If your dog is showing signs of separation anxiety or you have extended work hours, you may want to consider the option of a dog walker or doggy daycare. A dog walker can visit your dog during the day for walks and social interaction. A doggy daycare can be an excellent option for providing your furry friend with a fun and stimulating day.
6. Communication and Affection
Maintain constant communication and affection with your dog when you are at home. Spend time cuddling him, playing with him and strengthening your bond. A dog that feels loved and appreciated is more likely to tolerate alone time.
7. Gradual Return to Normality
Both you and your dog will need time to adjust to returning to work. Be patient and flexible in your approach. Over time, most dogs will get used to routine and separation again, as long as you provide them with the love and attention they need.
Returning to work after the holidays can be a transitional period, but with the right planning and attention to your dog's needs, you can make this phase easier for both of you.
Remember that every dog is an individual, so be attentive to the signals your furry friend is giving you and adapt your routine accordingly. This way, you can ensure that the return to working life is as peaceful as possible for you and your faithful companion.