Aries - Màkari Color Bio Red Shampoo rivitalizzante del colore

Aries SKU: C-ARISH018

€16,15 €17,00 Save €0,85

Tax includedShipping calculated at checkout

Variante: 250 ml

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Delivered by 5pm

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During the day

if received by 2pm

Makari Color Bio Red Shampoo Professionale Di Alta Qualità Con Camomilla, Lavanda, Rosmarino E Cananga Oil Indicato Per Rivitalizzare Il Colore Di Cani E Gatti Con Manti Rossi.

Shampoo Color per manti Rossi 

Màkari Bio Color Red Shampoo è studiato per valorizzare ed esaltare la bellezza dei manti rossi, prodotto altamente professionale pensato per ridonare ai mantelli rossi il loro colore naturale, innovativo poiché riporta il manto al colore originale penetrando in profondità nella struttura pilifera. La sua formulazione Biologica con Camomilla, Lavanda, Rosmarino e Cananga oil, dona splendore al manto Nutre, Idrata, Ristruttura e dà Corpo e Volume per il manto dei Barboni. La Cananga Oil elimina l’effetto Crespo donando forza e luminosità ai mantelli aridi e scoloriti rendendoli più corposi e setosi esaltandone i riflessi naturali. L’Olio di Rosmarino svolge un’azione purificante sulla cute e ristrutturante sulle lunghezze. La Camomilla dalle proprietà lenitive lo rende uno shampoo rigenerante e rilassante. Màkari Bio Color Red Shampoo unisce in un solo prodotto un delicato shampoo detergente Biologico ad un rivoluzionario trattamento Colorante naturale. Ravviva il colore del manto in maniera efficace nelle tonalità del rosso.

Màkari Color Bio shampoo Red è consigliato:

Per ridonare ai mantelli rossi il loro colore naturale.

Per peli sfibrati e scoloriti.

Per ravvivare la luminosità e la lucentezza del manto.

Come usare il nostro Shampoo

È consigliato fare il pre-shampoo per preparare il pelo al trattamento Màkari Bio Color. Diluire lo shampoo Màkari Bio Color Red da 1/5 e applicare sul manto bagnato, massaggiare delicatamente per favorire l’assorbimento del prodotto, lasciare agire 5/10 minuti e risciacquare accuratamente. Per un risultato ancora più efficace si consiglia di usare Màkari Bio Color Red maschera. Durante l’utilizzo del prodotto si consiglia di usare i guanti.

Come diluire il nostro shampoo 

1/5 = 10 ml di prodotto(un cucchiaio da tavola) su 50 ml di acqua(1/2 bicchiere di plastica) 

Aries Soluzioni Naturali Bio Cosmetici

Nasce Dall’ Amore E Dalla Passione Dei Suoi Fondatori Per Gli Animali E La Natura.

E' un’Azienda Italiana impegnata nella produzione di cosmetici biologici con l'obiettivo di offrire un prodotto sicuro e garantito, rispettoso degli animali e dell ‘ambiente, grazie alle più innovative tecnologie cosmetiche unisce alle sue formulazioni la preziosa saggezza della natura esclusivamente Made in Italy.
Aries Soluzioni Naturali, nasce dall’ amore e dalla passione per gli animali e la natura, azienda leader in ITALIA nella cosmesi animale orientata unicamente a materie prime di origine naturale vegetale e di agricoltura biologica , senza stabilizzanti di colore e additivi chimici, con Linee performanti di elevato livello Per Professionisti Tolettatori , allevatori ma anche rivolti all’uso domestico.
Creando un’innovativa linea di prodotti biologici, la Aries soluzioni naturali, vuole rendere il momento della tolettatura facile per il toelettatore e piacevole per il cane garantendo la protezione e il delicato equilibrio idrolipidico della sua cute preservando la struttura del pelo ed esaltando la bellezza del manto.
Benessere e bellezza: grazie ai principi attivi naturali ,rispetto per gli animali e la natura.
“Ogni cute ha le sue esigenze”…. Aries lo sa!
Aries soluzioni naturali è un Brand Madein Italy da oltre 20 anni nel campo cosmetico della tolettatura è divenuta un punto di riferimento di grande rilievo per i professionisti che lavorano nel settore.

Grazie all’ esperienza maturata di ricerche e attività, si occupa della cura e del benessere dei vostri piccoli amici con professionalità, selezionando accuratamente l’alta qualità delle materie prime, prevalentemente di agricoltura biologica solo made in Italy.
Coniugare la bellezza estetica con il benessere dell’ animale: questo è l’obiettivo che da sempre contraddistingue Aries Soluzioni Naturali.
Grazie alla ricerca e all’innovazione nel campo cosmetico della tolettatura è stato messo a punto l’ innovativo complesso protettivo per preservare l ‘equilibrio microbiotico della cute (microbiota cutaneo) e del manto dei nostri amici animali per tutelare la loro salute e la loro bellezza nel tempo e per garantire la tutela delle mani del tolettatore . I nostri prodotti offrono trattamenti efficaci altamente professionali per ogni tipologia di pelo e sono studiati sia per il toelettatore professionista che per il proprietario che vuole prendersi cura della pulizia del suo animale domestico .
L’alto livello qualitativo dei prodotti formulati esclusivamente a base di principi attivi vegetali e olii Essenziali di Agricoltura Biologica coniugano, il piacere della natura all’innovazione tecnologica, creando così una vasta gamma di altissima qualità che soddisfa le richieste di tutte le tipologie e tessiture del pelo.
Siamo costantemente alla ricerca di materie prime innovative, profumazioni di tendenza avendo come priorità un rigoroso e puntuale controllo della qualità.
Nel 2014 la Aries Soluzioni Naturali vince il Prestigioso e Ambito Premio “STAR GROOMING AWARDS” come MIGLIOR AZIENDA INNOVATRICE ITALIANA.

To choose the right product for your dog, you need a soft tailor's centimeter. The measurement must be taken carefully and with your dog standing on all fours and depending on the measurement you need, proceed as follows:

Back Length:

Measure the length of your dog's back, measuring the distance between the shoulder blades and the base of the tail (The dog should stand upright to ensure an ideal fit). The measured length can be used to determine clothing size.


Measure the circumference of your dog's abdomen just behind the front legs at the widest point of the chest. The tape measure must be positioned tightly so that it does not move, to the measured width, add 2cm and you get the measurement at chest height

Crew neck:

It is measured by placing a flexible tape measure around the center of the neck. The tape measure must be narrow, then add 2 cm.

For any difficulty or doubt do not hesitate to contact us by email at or Whatsapp directly by clicking on the comic on the site or at the number +39 388 077 2066

Download our size guide and find out how to correctly take measurements for: collars, harnesses and coats
> Download the guide

National shipping costs (Italy)

The customer can choose between 2 shipping service options:

- Standard;

- Express.

Standard delivery: 2 - 6 working days throughout Italy, San Marino and the Vatican State. On average, delivery times do not exceed 4 working days but can be longer due to problems related to overwork by carriers and in particular municipalities or disadvantaged areas. The deadline for shipping an order with this type of service is 12.30pm and orders received after this time will be delivered to the courier the following working day

Express Shipping:  1-2 business days Icontinental Italy e 3-4 working days in the islands and in particular areas. This type of service is always managed in priority, and in case of overloaded work on the part of the carriers, the inconvenience for the recipient is minimal. The deadline for shipping an order with the Express option is 4.30pm. Orders received after this time will be delivered to the courier the following working day

STANDARD shipping is free* starting from 69.01 euros net of all discounts, which means that if by applying a discount code the cart total falls below 69.01 euros, shipping costs will be added.

Shipping costs are calculated as follows:

Costs details:

to. Standard shipping of parcels with weight <30Kg

69,01€ up FREE
55,01€ 69,00€ 5,90€
45,01€ 55,00€ 6,90€ 
0€ 45,00€ 7,90€



b. Standard shipping of parcels with weight >31Kg (e.g. large kennels, etc.)

89,01 up 4,90€
49,01€ 89,00€ 8,90€
0€ 49,00€ 11,90€  



By choosing the Express shipping service, the shipment will be delivered to the courier for orders received by 4.30 pm and you also have the possibility to request changes to the date and place of delivery (provided in the same municipality).

The cost of the service is calculated as follows:

69,01€ 6,90€
49,01€ 69,00€ 7,90€
0€ 49,00€ 9,90€


Once the indicated thresholds are exceeded, the expenses are automatically recalculated

To ensure delivery takes place without difficulty, remember to:

  • indicate the exact street number and the specific postcode of the area (not the generic one of the city)
  • indicate precisely the name or number on the doorbell of the house
  • if it is a workplace, indicate the name of the company 
  • indicate the telephone number at which the recipient will receive all the order information and the request from the courier personalization of the delivery date and time

Discover the Pre-Delivery Message Notification Service

-Shipping to Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia and for disadvantaged areas: some postcodes are notoriously difficult to reach due to geographical limitations and/or access restrictions. In these cases, couriers apply special rates that are not included in the ordinary rate plan. PetBoutique pays the difference in cost.

The customer will be charged the normal shipping rate for all of Italy.

Order processing times

The orders, following verification of the availability of the goods and collection of the authorized amount, will be entrusted to the courier within the working day, if the workable order arrives in our systems by 12.30 pm for standard shipments and by 4.30 pm for express shipments while beyond this time, delivery to the carrier is postponed to the next working day.

The courier in turn undertakes to deliver within 24/48 working hours from the time of collection or on the first available day.

The expected delivery times for islands and disadvantaged areas may increase by 24/48 working hours.



- For shipments weighing more than 50 kg, the shipment (courier limits) cannot be an express shipment, but must be organized ad hoc with the support of customer service.

- The request of delivery to floor it is an optional service, which if requested will require a supplement of €6.00 ​​+ VAT. carriers normally carry out the service at the customer's request without giving notice to the sender. Therefore the payment request for the service will take place within 30 days following the delivery of the package.

Additional costs for courier services are applied to all orders regardless of the amount of the purchase made.


Shipping costs EUROPE
(European countries without customs excluding Switzerland and UK)

Shipping times: Vary depending on the shipping country

Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands:

Weight Transit time Price
from 0 to 3.00 kg From 2 to 6 working days
EUR 9.00
3.01kg–5kg From 2 to 6 working days
10.00 EUR
5.01kg–10kg From 2 to 6 working days
€12.49 EUR
10.01kg–15kg From 2 to 6 working days
€13.90 EUR
15.01kg–20kg From 2 to 6 working days
€17.90 EUR
20.01kg–30kg From 2 to 6 working days
€19.90 EUR

Denmark, France (excluding islands):

Weight Transit time
from 0 to 3.00 kg From 2 to 6 working days
10.90 EUR
3,01kg–5kg From 2 to 6 working days
13.90 EUR
5.01kg–10kg From 2 to 6 working days
14.90 EUR
10.01kg–15kg From 2 to 6 working days
EUR 17.90
15.01kg–20kg From 2 to 6 working days
19.90 EUR
20.01kg–30kg From 2 to 6 working days
21.90 EUR

Europe Zone 3
Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, Spain (excluding islands):
Weight Transit time
from 0 to 3.0 kg From 2 to 6 working days
9.99 EUR
3,01kg–5kg From 2 to 6 working days
12.90 EUR
5.01kg–10kg From 2 to 6 working days
14.90 EUR
10.01kg–15kg From 2 to 6 working days
16.90 EUR
15.01kg–20kg From 2 to 6 working days
19.90 EUR
20.01kg–30kg From 2 to 6 working days
€23.90 EUR

Bulgaria, Estonia, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal (excluding Azores), Romania, Slovakia, Sweden:

Transit time
from 0 to 3.00 kg From 2 to 6 working days
19.99 EUR
3,01kg–5kg From 2 to 6 working days
22,90 EUR
5.01kg–10kg From 2 to 6 working days
24,90 EUR
10.01kg–15kg From 2 to 6 working days
28,90 EUR
15.01kg–20kg From 2 to 6 working days
32,90  EUR
20.01kg–30kg From 2 to 6 working days
36.90 EUR

Tracking Ordine

You can track the shipment by clicking on the shipping link received via email on the same day of shipment. There is no need to enter any data.

Our Customer Service is always available: via telephone, SMS, WhatsApp on +39 388 077 2066 from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 8.00pm and on Saturdays from 9.00am to 6.00pm, or by email to

If the recipient is absent on the first delivery attempt, the courier attempts to deliver the goods a second time.

If the delivery does not take place again, the courier opens a storage file and informs us of the status of the shipment

If the recipient finds a non-delivery notice left by the courier, he must take care to follow the instructions on the notice.


We entrust shipments of orders to couriers within the stated times, however shipments may be subject to delays depending on the time of year or climatic events. is not responsible for delays caused by the courier for events beyond its control.


Customer service: +39 388 077 2066 e WhatsApp 

Available from Monday to Friday: 09.00 -19.00 and on Saturdays from 9.00 to 12.00

To talk to us click on the WhatsApp "Customer Support" icon at the bottom right.

Or write to


Are you interested in reselling our products? Write to us at